Last weekend the conversation on facebook about my previous posts took a turn. We are in an emotionally charged time and misunderstanding are everywhere. One of my neighbours has unfriended me over what I consider a complete misunderstanding about what I am saying about how to oppose populist dictators, should you happen to have some in your country. So let me be clear about two tactics tactics: resist and connect.

Last week we were out in Tofino hosting a three-day leadership workshop on dialogue with sixty people, most of whom were from the Port Alberni and west coast area. In the room were leaders from Hupacaseth, Toquaht, Ahousaht, Hesquiaht, Tsehshaht and Tloquiaht First Nations and Councillors from Ucluelet, Tofino and the Alberni-Clayoquat Regional District. Additionally there were citizens, non-profit workers, community foundation staff, scientists and small business people in the room. It was the kind of gathering that everyone is always saying “has to happen.”

I have been spending my Saturday inside watching a bit of soccer and engaging with Donald Trump supporters on twitter. You might consider that a waste of time. I loved the soccer (Tottenham survived a thrilling FA Cup scare) and I learned some stuff about Trump supporters, and I think I have one strategy that might be worth trying.

Over the past week I have witnessed many of my American friends wrestling with the demand for loyalty to the president of the United States. I recall this sentiment being very alive in the weeks after 9/11 as well; no matter how you feel about his politics, it is your patriotic duty to support the president. This sentiment was absent during the Obama years for the most part, with the exception of Democrats trying to hold Republicans to account. But partisanship is free from consistency. What is good for the goose is not at all what is to be expected …
From a great set of advice on writing: Creativity is inexhaustible. Experiment, play, throw away. Above all be confident enough about creativity to throw stuff out. If it isn’t working, don’t cut and paste – scrap it and begin again. – Jeanette Winterston Remind yourself, every day, that you’re doing this to try to find something out about yourself, about the world, about words and how they fit together. Writing is investigation. Just keep seeking. – Naomi Alderman.