Cras non tincidunt est. Pellentesque consequat faucibus est et fringilla. Praesent dapibus mauris sed dolor rutrum, at lobortis tortor sollicitudin. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque et suscipit augue, non venenatis sapien.
How To Slow Down Time? A non-technical lesson from an intense software school.
“Very quickly Siffre’s memory deteriorated… Since there was nobody to talk to, and not much to do, there was nothing novel to impress upon his memory.”
Of all delectable islands the Neverland is the snuggest and most compact, not large and sprawly, you know, with tedious distances between one adventure and another, but nicely crammed. When you play at it by day with the chairs and table-cloth, it is not in the least alarming, but in the two minutes before you go to sleep it becomes very real. That is why there are night-lights.
I’ve been using the Cynefin framework for many years now. For me, I think I’ve internalized it through practice and it becomes second nature to not only talk about and teach from it but to use the way it was intended to be used: to help make decisions. Today Dave Snowden posts a very useful set of guidelines for working with complexity that are captured in the framework. This list is useful for us to tuck away as it provides very clear guideposts for moving around the complexity domain: The essence: In any situation, what can we change? Out of …
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