Spiral Dynamics and Clare W. Graves Online from NVC Consulting
2003: International Year of Freshwater The International Year of Freshwater provides an opportunity to accelerate the implementation of the principles of integrated water resources management. The Year will be used as a platform for promoting existing activities and spearheading new initiatives in water resources at the international, regional and national levels. Everything you might want to klnow about freshwater.
iterations Home — Researching Science and Technology Researching science and technology, bringing ideas to a forum and process that promotes their rapid assimilation into tools that facilitate the creation of a healthier society. iterations is developing 21st Century models for doing integrated science, technology development and business creation. Neat collection of links in the Solution Box section.
Change Management Toolbook A useful collection of processes and tools in the learning organization sphere.
a href=”http://www.newciv.org/newcivilization.html”>New Civilization Resources from the New Civilization Network. Whoo wee…that’s some good eatin’