Eureka – A Prose Poem – Edgar Allan Poe I design to speak of the Physical, Metaphysical and Mathematical � of the Material and Spiritual Universe:� of its Essence, its Origin, its Creation, its Present Condition and its Destiny. I shall be so rash, moreover, as to challenge the conclusions, and thus, in effect, to question the sagacity, of many of the greatest and most justly reverenced of men. In the beginning, let me as distinctly as possible announce � not the theorem which I hope to demonstrate � for, whatever the mathematicians may assert, there is, in this world …
Time Every year on June 17, Diego Goldberg and his family photograph themselves. The results speak for themselves.
ARSEiam Woo.
The Comic Book Periodic Table of the Elements Cripes if I had this when I was in school I might still have loved chemistry. This is absoutely brilliant!
Ludwig van Beethoven – Symphony 5 “Radiant beams shoot through the deep night of this region, and we become aware of gigantic shadows which, rocking back and forth, close in on us and destroy all within us except the pain of endless longing — a longing in which every pleasure that rose up amid jubilant tones sinks and succumbs. Only through this pain, which, while consuming but not destroying love, hope, and joy, tries to burst our breasts with a full- voiced general cry from all the passions, do we live on and are captivated beholders of the spirits”. — …