Wood s lot and riley dog both drew this to my attention: Rooting Out Evil – Mission USA In the new year, Rooting Out Evil will be sending a team of volunteer weapons inspectors into that greatest of rogue nations, the United States of America. We have selected the US as our first priority based on criteria provided by the Bush administration. According to those criteria, the most dangerous states are those run by leaders who: 1) have massive stockpiles of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons; 2) ignore due process at the United Nations; 3) refuse to sign and honour …
Appropriate Technology Library Everything you (or I) need to know about rural living.
I recently bought some smoked salmon. Here’s what I plan to do with it.
Technical Difficulties This is a very cool…very nice commentary on the current twist in American foreign policy. From inside. Watch. It’s lovely.
Ring of Fire Enterprises Home Page For all your Darwin fish needs…including anti-doorway missionary stickers