The Village Voice: Features: The Case Against Torture by Alisa Solomon “There is no proof that torture works. Sometimes, according to a 1963 CIA training manual, it backfires: “If an interrogatee is caused to suffer pain rather late in the interrogation process and after other tactics have failed,” the manual says, “he is almost certain to conclude that the interrogator is becoming desperate. Interrogatees who have withstood pain are more difficult to handle by other methods. The effect has been not to repress the subject, but to restore his confidence and maturity.” On the other hand, those who cannot withstand …
Flash cartoon exposing all the rotten peaceniks in the Bush administration. Generals, heads of the CIA…where will it end?
Oh my God. South Africa are eliminated from thh Cricket World Cup because of a tie against Sri Lanka. This is the second consecutive World Cup where South Africa has tied a match and been eliminated. In the intervening four years, they have only tied one, a heartstopper against Australia. What are the chances? Tough day to be a Proteas fan…sigh. You didn’t know I was a cricket fan, did you?
“The customs of a decadent society use cunning and deceit to dress up the useless.” –From “The Book of Leadership and Strategy” (the Taoist classic Huainanzi)
From Moxy Fruvous, a song written during the last Gulf War Gulf War Song We got a call to write a song about the war in the Gulf But we shouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings So we tried, then gave up, ’cause there was no such song But the trying was very revealing What makes a person so poisonous righteous That they’d think less of anyone who just disagreed? She’s just a pacifist, he’s just a patriot If I said you were crazy, would you have to fight me? Fighters for liberty, fighters for power Fighters for longer turns in the …