Harper situation, chapter three. Deputy Prime Minister John Manley chimes in: On behalf of the Honourable John Manley, we acknowledge receipt of your electronic correspondence. Please be assured that Mr. Manley appreciates receiving your views. >>> “Manley, John – M.P.” 04/08/03 11:14AM >>> Hooo weee. I let Manley off the hook on this one, as he was only copied on the email. Same goes with Libby Davies. Reynolds, as a big wig in the Alliance Party and my MP, should have done better. And we still haven’t heard back from Harper yet.
Update on the Stephen Harper situation: So I emailed Stephen Harper and I copied my own member of Parliament, John Reynolds who runs with the same herd. I also copied my letter to Libby Davies from the New Democratic Party and John Manley from the Liberal Party. Here is the letter I sent: Dear Mr. Harper: On Friday I read an article you wrote in the National Post in which you say: “Last night at Stornoway I hosted a reception for ambassadors and representatives of nearly 50 countries that have now joined the coalition. I did that on behalf of …
Stephen Harper plays with despots In his haste to suck up to the United States government, Canadian Alliance leader Stephen Harper held a party at his official residence. This is how he described it in the National Post: Last night at Stornoway I hosted a reception for ambassadors and representatives of nearly 50 countries that have now joined the coalition. I did that on behalf of our caucus, and I believe on behalf of the silent majority of Canadians, to tell them — to tell these countries and to tell their people — that in this fight we Canadians are …
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