From alamut: Oneironautics Should we not classify web browsing as form of dreaming? Especially disinterested web browsing, web browsing completely unmotivated by greed or desire, where one at best is driven only by a gentle curiosity (or extremely gentle escapism), where browsing means wandering freely down corridors of thought and each web page jogs the soul in a new direction? Browsing is a form of dreaming, in that dreaming is simply the unfettered journey through links and connections, from one image to another, one impression leading to other impressions. At the end of it we are left with a muddied …
From Specimen Days, an amazing collection of Civil War diary entries by Walt Whitman: HOME-MADE MUSIC August 8th. — To-night, as I was trying to keep cool, sitting by a wounded soldier in Armory-square, I was attracted by some pleasant singing in an adjoining ward. As my soldier was asleep, I left him, and entering the ward where the music was, I walk’d half-way down and took a seat by the cot of a young Brooklyn friend, S. R., badly wounded in the hand at Chancellorsville, and who has suffer’d much, but at that moment in the evening was wide …
I’ve succumbed to Rob’s poem generator and I ran it on this site. Here is the result: Parking lot One person can produce so where the mirror the inward journey we can only some ways in to present a lot. One Can be engulfed by holding space but I have an Irish flute goes I go materials that push me it behooves me For some of History From the idea of the spring session. The design gurus. Instead I take to be created as one for some advice to death when we become writers and Ray Eames, a Japense poetic …
My friend Julie Smith wrote, a propos of something else, to say: “my friend Kevin talks about making his heart so open and so wide that if you splashed a can of paint there would be no place for it to land” Heart like the sky, open and blue and utterly unpaintable. And then along comes this Cheri Huber quote from the infrequently updated Awakeheart which reads: “So often we look out at the condition of the world with a sense of hopelessness. There is so much to be done, so much that is “wrong” �what can one person do? …
A haibun from the Journal of Modern Haiku: Beach Treasures She is full of surprises, my gray-haired friend. Our lunch date turns into an unexpected drive to the headlands, with folding chairs in tow. Her brown paper bag holds sandwiches and chips . . . and plastic baggies and plates for gathering gemstones. She shows me how to scoop up the coarsest sand from along the tide line and swirl it in the plate, winnowing small treasures from the sea. Perhaps it is the crashing surf and seagull cries, the stuff of New Age music, that brings to mind her …