The odds of any one person in the blogoshpere sharing your brithday is…well…pretty good. Happy birthday Jordan.
Happy Birthday to me! I was born 35 years ago today. This what else was happening that late spring day in 1968: Picasso paints the above picture Young soldier in Vietnam wrote home about losing his camera Nine people were killed by a tornado in Tracy, Minnesota A Day of Awareness, Day of Hope is held in Atlanta to combat poverty A helicopter crew dies in Vietnam when they collide with another plane Phelim O’Neil is expelled from the Orange Order in Belfast for attending a Catholic service The BeeGees record Indian Gin and Whiskey Dry The Shah of Iran …
Jack Ricchiuto posts some thoughts on happiness to which I responded with some of the following in his comments: The greatest gift I can give my children is being with them. Two days ago I spent two hours with my two year old son during which I said nothing. I simply sat on the grass with him, at his eye level and played whatever he wanted to play. I expressed no desires or needs of my own, I imposed no agenda on him. We laughed together and when our wrestling got out of hand and he got hurt I held …
Stonewall Place closes. What a wonderful documented adventure in the Aleutians that was.
Dervala Hanley rides the most dangerous road in the world and lives to tell the tale. We switched to the left-hand side for the official start of the crazy Coroico road. Downhill traffic drove closest to the drop, and had to yield to vehicles going uphill to La Paz. This was terrifying. The edge of the road often crumbled to nothing, and often there was only room for one car, requiring slow backward creeps around blind corners. The locals weren’t bothered, blithely overtaking on these corners with Pachamama’s drunken blessing. The honks of the oncoming trucks, above and below, made …