You won’t believe this, but I just signed up as a Bush Team Leader for the Bush/Cheny ’04 campaign. Apparently, they don’t care whether or not you are an American, or whether you even live in the USA. Am I the first left-wing Canadian Bush Team Leader? I guess that fills a niche in the “coalition groups” section of the website. I’ve always prided myself on being a party of one. Thanks to John Dumbrille for putting me on to this site that led me to signing up. May I should join him in the zendo to clear a bit …
I have been tripping on these amazing images at Fractal Recursions all evening. There are dozens of images here plus some fascinating animations. They remind me of the hologrpahic experience of meditation, peering into a clear blue sky and seeing more blue nothingness reflected deeper and deeper. Enjoy.
The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary. — James D. Nicoll Found at Redwood Dragon via Reflections in D minor
Every Year the Salmon Come Back by Robert Davidson Salmon by Jorie Graham I watched them once, at dusk, on television, run, in our motel room half-way through Nebraska, quick, glittering, past beauty, past the importance of beauty., archaic, not even hungry, not even endangered, driving deeper and deeper into less. They leapt up falls, ladders, and rock, tearing and leaping, a gold river, and a blue river traveling in opposite directions. They would not stop, resolution of will and helplessness, as the eye is helpless when the image forms itself, upside-down, backward, driving up into the mind, and the …
Over at CBC Radio 3, they are running an online look at three comics from Kwagiulth artist Gord Hill about life in the uirban jungle of downtown Vancouver. Unfortunately, CBC doesn’t make it very easy to link to the piece, but follow this link until you get to the “Urban Legends” feature.