Canada’s new twenty dollar bill from the Bank of Canada Lately we have had a lot of nice art on our money. With the recent new designs for our bills, we now have a gorgeous five dollar bill featuring kids tobaganning and playing hockey with a quote from Roch Carrier’s “The Hockey Sweater,” as iconic a book about Canadian winters as there is. But today comes an exciting development. At the end of next month the Bank of Canada will release the new series of twenty dollar bills and this time they feature a selection of work from Haida artist …
The 2004 Guide to Aboriginal organizations and services in British Columbia is now available for download from the provincial government. In addition to being a great resource, every year I get more and more amazed with the amount of activity that is happening around the province. Self-government happens right here at the coal face, as people and communities organize to make things better. If you want amazing stories of people working for change, phone any one of these organizations and start asking!
Dave Andreychuk hoists the Stanley Cup from the Hockey Hall of Fame Here it is…this must surely be the final nail in the coffin for our national airline. Air Canada lost the Stanley Cup and the Cup’s handler blew a gasket: “He told them specifically it was the Stanley Cup,” Goertzen said. “He is just so distraught.” Fitness gym owner Brent Lock, who had planned to view the Cup Sunday, said he doesn’t understand how Air Canada could have left it behind. “It’s not like it’s a brown paper bag; it’s the holy grail,” he said. Here in Canada there …
The Dalai Lama doesn’t have a blog, but luckily we have the daily mailings from Beliefnet. The one that came today reads simply: The threshold between right and wrong is pain. -His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Imagine All the People We create suffering for ourselves in the space we create when we take on the world and lose. When I am working with groups I usually make some comment at some point about the use of the word “should.” Any time we use that word we are arguing with reality and when we do that, as Byron Katie says, “we …
I’ve just discovered Miroslav Holub! Here is a quote from his essay “Slavery and worse“: Not many victories grow out of moral indignation. The only thing that all ecology, including the remarkably clear and evident ecology of human despair, can rely upon is slow, tedious and lasting economic and civic improvement, an improvement known even to Diocletian and Marcus Aurelius, that great stoic example to civic and ecologic radicals who think they can fight slaveries by becoming slaves to their own neuroses. More Holub resources: Holub at The Complete Review On writing and repressive political systems