Fort Rupert First Nation, BC I’ve just read “Blindness” by Jose Saramago. It’s a harrowing story of a human dystopia that is brought on by a nearly complete plague of blindness that sweeps through the entire population. It is like a modern day Kafka tale that, as the blurbs say, sums up the deepest horrors of the twentieth century. In the book, society quickly breaks down as everyone becomes blind and human morality and ethics follow suit. More frightening though is the resignation of the bands of people who wander around the city trying to find food, unsure of where …
Port Hardy, BC Some of my smart blogging compadres are posting series. Dan Oestreich has just put up the third of his leadership practices: caring for self. And Jon Husband has finished his ten point manifesto for managing in a wired world with the posting of number ten: permanent whitewater is the new normal (great title!). I love it when folks post things ina series. It gives us time to digest ideas as they are emerging and to see how they are evolving. It’s a fun way to write too.
Port Hardy, BC While traveling up to Port Hardy here I ran into my friend Art Mercer who is charge of Economic Development for the Nisga’a Lisims Government. Art is one of the members of the Counsel on BC Aboriginal Economic Development, a group I have worked with a fair amount over the years. The Counsel is a body that is challenging the status quo with respect to economic development in First Nations in Canada. For the past two years they have been hosting an annual conference called “Strategic Conversations” named for the strategic plan we wrote together in 2002. …
Victor Yushchenko gave his victory speech on January 23 after Ukranians finally and officially elected him to office. It stands in stark contrast to other inaugural addressess of recent days. In it, he lays out an optimistic and idealistic program for Ukrainian progress that talks about how he will meet the expectations his people have of him. Mostly he talks about honesty. After all, how can one respond to such profound living in truth without pledging to maintain the standards set by millions of his people? Two months ago millions of people came to this Maidan, to the squares and …
And speaking of 100bloggers, the chapter I am in will also feature Michael Herman and Andy Borrows, both of whom met the other day in London and blogged about each other. Ain’t that cool?