Mipun Mehta is a blogger I love reading, especially for tidbits like this:: “At this restaurant, you don’t get billed for your food. Pay what you like, their slogan reads. It sound unbelievable but there’s a fully volunteer-run, high-end restaurant — Annalakshmi — where they trust that everyone will pay their fair share. And the food was awesome too! A very kind lady, who has been there since Annalakshmi opened in Singapore 20 years ago, spoke with us for a bit. I asked why she does this, and she replied, ‘I don’t know. It just fills my heart. I don’t …
Hmmm. I was once half-jokingly called “optimistic to the point of uselessness” which is a badge I wear with some pride as my fool’s marker. Optimism has been on my mind today. I’ve just been turning over these words: optimism, hope, faith, responsibility, trust. No reason, no particular cause to examine these ideas, just a little synchronicity in blog land that got me musing a little. Partly it comes from a bunch of work I am doing in which people in various walks of life are dicovering their emerging futures, and it’s partly about some of the blogs I am …
Under the poles I have put some photos up from the Open Space I did in the Fort Rupert big house last weekend. Enjoy!
Reading Adam Kahane some more and thinking about listening: If talking openly means being willing to expose others to what is inside of us, then listening openly means being willing to expose ourselves to something new from others.” — Adam Kahane, Solving Tough Problems p.73 It is a truism to say this, but I’ve been pondering the deep implications of this statement and what it means for a practice of listening and opening that becomes a leadership skill. It is almost impossible to describe what it is like to listen from the heart. We easily talk about “speaking from the …
Gabriela Ender, the creator of OpenSpaceOnline has a new eBook available from her site talking about how OSO works and its various applications. You can download the eBook for free here. Among the international Open Space practitioner community, there is general consensus that Gabriela’s software is the closest thing in cyber space to participating in a face to face Open Space Technology meeting.