Prompted by posts by Johnnie Moore Ton Zylstra and David Wilcox, I’ve been thinking about how we might improve conferences. As a facilitator of Open Space Technology and other large group processes, I offer clients ways of radically transforming conferences to make them highly productive. But these meetings require changes in expectations and frames of reference that are sometimes too much for a client to go on. When you are convening an international conference on business and the environment, putting everyone in a circle and placing paper and markers at the centre of the room can sometimes seem too much …
It has happened again. THis time in Kyrgyzstan.
Good reads from good feeds: Speciulation that Einstein was a space alien Wealth Bondage on a spirited defense of liberalism and the public square. “�True education flowers at the point when delight falls in love with responsibility. If you love something, you want to look after it. Common sense has much to learn from moonshine.� from Phillip Pullman in the Guardian, found at sift everything Simple rules for the self-organization of communities of practice. Shawn wants you to help make them even simpler. The big problem with strategic planning in non-profits: “…most plans are filled with horrible mistakes, unrealistic expectations …
The group of Aboriginal youth I have been working with, Building Our Legacy Together, have had a busy winter, and their activities were recently summarized in this report from coordinator Crystal Sutherland: “Youth � Building Our Legacy TogetherPawatskwachilth Haiyupis, Crystal Sutherland (Ahousaht) and the 15 member provincial BOLT Executive have successfully hosted the first forum in Fort Rupert Big House located on the Kwakiutl reserve just outside Port Hardy. The purpose of the forum was for Aboriginal youth to identify issues and have the opportunity to make recommendations to federal departments as well as introduce and engage Aboriginal youth with …
I’ve been musing a lot lately about this post by Dave Pollard wherein he asks what the role of media is and then proposes a manifesto for news you can use. I was thinking this evening about why people even bother with mainstream news media. I see very little TV, mostly just watching sports in hotel rooms when I’m on the road. I hardly ever watch TV news – only by accident. I guess deep down I believe in Pollard’s first principle about the news: If a news item is not actionable by the audience, it isn’t news and should …