My pal Wendy Farmer-O’Neil and I are offering a three-day OST practice and training workshop on Vancouver Island November 15-17, 2005. If you would like more information about this offering, check out the invitation. I’m pretty excited about this new iteration of the practice workshop. It builds on a year or so of much deeper thinking about the practices that support the facilitation of Open Space (and so many other dialogic group methods). Those of you that have been following the evolution of my learning here on Open Space practices will recognize the structure and the content of what we …
The National Congress of American Indians has a press release out detailing the damage to tribal communities in the hurricane zone and appealing for help.
Me: You should read this Tracy Gary article. My partner Caitlin: Email it to me… Me: Sure – but you should just read my blog. Caitlin: I don’t have time to be your wife AND read your blog. [silence] Me: I’m going to blog that.
A great article on Tracy Gary a lovely human and a philanthropic role model for us all. I was lucky enough to meet her last year at the Giving Conference in Chicago. Link via Wealth Bondage
Tod Maffin, a staffer at CBC in Vancouver has been on the leading edge of the future for a long time. During the lockout of CBC staff, he has been one of the movers and shakers behind delivering podcasting to a nation hungry for decent national public radio. Today he put up a podcast on future of Canadian public radio which is a brilliant elegy to a future that seems to have been lost (only Maffin can create elegies to lost futures!). What I love about the podcast is the way Maffin contextualizes his love for radio in the story …