Just a note that Sandra M. Lovelace has been appointed to the Senate. She’s a citizen of the Tobique First Nation in New Brunswick and she joins a small contingent of Aboriginal senators in Ottawa, none of whom, I believe, are women.
Michael J. at Notio has been in Austria at the Society for Organizational Learning conference and he has some great reports, complete with speaking notes as well. Worth a read.
Just a note here to point to Tim Lindgren’s great paper on Blogging Places. He contacted me ages ago to use stuff from my Bowen Island Journal blog and he has since spun that, along with content from some other great reads into a really nice paper. I believe he did this as part of a master’s thesis. At any rate, he completed the project and I had neglected to link to it until now. Have a read. It really captures a new direction in nature writing marrying blogging – two worlds that seem made for each other.
Recently discovered linkage from the organization world: Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship-SAGE-is an international network that links secondary school student organizations to mentors from local universities and businesses. Its purpose is to advance global entrepreneurship in an ethical and socially-responsible manner. Can someone work with a good leader in a toxic organization? Yes, and Chris Baily has some ideas on how. New reads: 37 days and Co-emergence. The Sacred World Foundation is marrying technology and traditional cultures. Twenty-eight design aphorisms, which work for designing group process too. David Wilcox continues his inquiry into why participation isn’t working with …
Just clicking around to some of the sites of musical friends, and I found a great mp3 from Dyad, a Vancouver band that at one time contained my old fiddle partner Steph Custer. Dyad explore Appalacian music like no one else. They are immersed in it and they completely understand the aesthetic. Check out this track, and then buy their album, “Who’s been there since I’ve been gone?” mp3: Dyad – Going Across the Mountain