So on Saturday, i stumble across a nice piece of music about Vanuatu and I write a little post about it and mention my old friend John Salong, with whom I lived in 1988. Not five minutes ago I just got off a Skype call with him. That’s less than four days from the Parking Lot to Google To John and back over Skype. Turns out that someone who was working with him Googled him, found my posting and John called to say hi and to catch up. We’re both fathers of 8-9 year kids, we’re both working in the …
By way of Harrison Owen, I was referred to Steve Hirsch of the Center for Reducing Rural Violence in Minnesota. This is one reason why I love America…stuff like this exists down there. I’m looking forward to a conversation with him on violence in First Nations communities.
Thinking about the practice of holding, the most well known of the Practices of Open Space. Many writers have written about what it means to hold space in group work, but few have elucidated some of the traps inherent in this practice as Pema Chodron. In this excerpt from her recent teachings on shenpa she gets at some of the hooks that traps us in space closing: “Here is an everyday example of shenpa. Somebody says a mean word to you and then something in you tightens� that’s the shenpa. Then it starts to spiral into low self-esteem, or blaming …
I’ve been remiss in my postings of mp3s lately, so here is one for you all. From Indigenous Resistance records, comes a track about resistance in the South Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu performed and composed by Micheal Franti and Carl Young (Spearhead). I lived for a year with a Ni-Vanuatu, John Damasing Salong, who was from Ambrym. John was at Trent University in the late 1980s with us and we had a great time together. I picked up some Bislama, the Vanuatu pidgin language and we spent many days and night singing, talking and cooking together. AT one point, encouraged …
Victoria, B.C. I’m doing some work in Victoria at the moment. I am co-leading the Aboriginal engagement process for the Victoria Urban Development Agreement, and today we held a focus group on physical and environmental factors for success. One of the key ideas that has come forward this week has been the idea of creating a First Nations cultural precinct in Victoria, like a Chinatown for example, or more like the Jewish neighbourhoods around The Main and St. Urbain Street in Montreal, except a centre for First Nations business, services, community and culture. In thinking about this stuff we were …