Michael Herman writes on Opening Space in Nepal after a series of Maoist attacks on Tansen. Today Michael reprinted a letter from one of the leaders he was working with in previous visits to Nepal: The people of Tansen are not hopeless, we Nepalese people’s energy is not swallowed by the fire and bullets. We have hope that the Palpa Durbar comes into its original outlook within a very short time. It’s the dream of Palpali and whole Nepalese people. And we are sure that our dream comes true since we have the sympathy from national and international government, …
From Vashti Bunyan: once I had a child he was wilder than moonlight he could do it all like he’d been here before once I had a child she was smiling like sunshine she could see it all like she’d been here before then I had a child took his while like northern summer and he knows it all like he’s been here before This song reminds me of my kids… mp3: Vashti Bunyan – Here Before
If you have been visting here in the last week live, as opposed to through a newsreader, you will have noticed a major change in the look of this weblog. I’ve also been rocking and rolling behind the scenes. The rest of my website has been redesigned and is now live. I built it using pmwiki and some of the open source skins that are out there. Feel free to have a look around. I have added several new bits and pieces, including a more substantial list of facilitation resources, additions of stories, resources and notes to …
I am proud and lucky to count Toke Moeller as a friend, colleague and teacher. The other day, as I was checking his site for some information for some upcoming Art of Hosting trainings we are doing, I stumbled over his page of principles and assumptions for his work. They are worth reprinting here Some of our assumptions Organisations have more to do with living organic systems than machines Learning is a core competence in the network society Learning, change and transformation involve a degree of chaos The world is too complex to be led by individuals Sustainable solutions emerge …
Seeing is one of the capacities we need to take us to presence. Seeing what is truly in front of us is both a learned skill and a a creative act because to see clearly we have to find away around everything that clouds our perception of what we are looking at. From The Circle Project: Creativity is not the domain of The New; it stands firmly in the land of unimpeded expression where you “see what is there, not what you think should be there.” Remove the limits. Follow the impulse. There is no trick to re-inhabiting your innate …