Michael Herman and I ran an Open Space practice retreat here on Bowen Island a couple of weeks ago, and while he was here we made major progress in our thinking about the Open Space Practices. Here’s some of that thinking. When Harrison Owen conceived of Open Space and ran the initial experiments in the 1980s he said that he hoped that Open Space would eventually become ubiquitous, that it would fade away and just become the way people do business. For a long time I thought that this meant Harrison hoped Open Space would become like brainstorming: used everywhere …
It’s a beautiful spring day on the south coast of British Columbia. Today I flew to Victoria for some meetings with friends and partners. I sat in the co-pilot’s seat on the Beaver floatplanes on both trips and had a great conversation with the pilot on the way home about the coastline below us, alternative power generation, near misses and whales. I am so grateful that partners becomes mates, clients become friends and strangers become great conversation partners. I just feel like expressing some gratitude and giving thanks to all who touch my life in big and …
Rob Paterson posted a link to a great short documentary about a Sudbury Valley type school in Maryland called Fairhaven. Sudbury Valley schools are democratically run and non-coercive. In our Supported Homelaerning Program here on Bowen Island, we use many of the same principles and we operate under many of the same assumptions that these kids are expressing in the video. I love the last comment, that this kind of learning prepares a kid for living and learning within a worldof chaos, which is what the real world is actually like.
Sun and clouds above the Strait of Georgia I was listening to this podcast this morning, a conversation between Krista Tippet and John Polkinghorne regarding the marriage of quantum physics and religion (which incidently is a subject Ken Wilber has also taken on recently in a podcast). It is an excellent conversation and I found myself grooving along with the theme of the universe as both predictable to some extent and unpredictable at the same time. Polkinhorne makes the analogy with clocks and clouds, saying that the sun rises and sets and we can predict when that will happen using …
Keeping a flame lit here for the people of the Six Nations territories in Ontario, and hoping for a peaceful resolution to the standoff there.