Stumbled over a collection of stories and accounts of dialogue being used in a variety of mediation and conflict resolution settings. The author of this site refers to four different types of dialogue: Positional or adversarial dialogue Human relations dialogue Activist dialogue Problem solving dialogue The site is hosted by the Online Training Program on Intractable Conflict, which is no longer in existence, but the archive of which makes for some interesting reading [tags]conflict, mediation[/tags] Photo by .ash
Via Johnnie, comes a sweet elucidation from David Weinberger about the creeping relgion of “accountabalism:” The Folly of Accountabalism Accountability has gone horribly wrong. It has become “accountabalism,” the practice of eating sacrificial victims in an attempt to magically ward off evil. The emphasis on accountability was an understandable response to some god-awful bookkeeping-based scandals. But the notion would never have evolved from a buzzword into the focus of voluminous legislation if we hadn’t also been lured by the myth of precision: Because accountability suggests that there is a right and a wrong answer to every question, it flourishes where …
This is not about connectivity or the web, but about being so open that your whole life is a full on sensual conversation with the whole world. For those of us who use the language of words, we usually refer to this as “autism.” But find about ten minutes where you can have some quiet and reflective time to yourself and watch this video: In My Language This is perhaps the most profound elucidation I have ever experienced of what sensing is. When you have finished watching the video go to Amanda’s blog where you can read her further thoughts …
I have been setting up my new laptop this week, which involves replacing all of the windows programs with free or open source utilities and adding bits and pieces that are useful. I think I’m about done, and my list so far looks like this: Utilities AVG Free anti-virus – Anti virus CDex – CD Ripper OpenOffice – Complete Office suite Filezilla – FTP Program FreeMind Mindmap program NoteTab – Plain text editor Sunbird – Mozilla calendar software Internet Free Download Manager – Download Manager for Firefox Firefox – Web browser Flickr Uploadr – For uploading photos to flickr Pretty …
Victoria BC I love a space with a brick wall in a space. Tonight at Ferris’ Oyster Bar with a couple of friends for dinner, I kept noticing how that wall lended its presence to the space, as I enjoyed a beautiful and tasty rice bowl of vegetarian potstickers and deep friend tofu. I was noticing all day how details do more than they seem capacble of doing. The stillness permeating the inner harbour as the water stayed flat for a second day in a row, the signs on the busses that say “Sorry…I’m out of service.” Something about that …