is a companion site to the book, Militants and Citizens, and a general resource site on participatory budgeting. (tags: participatorybudgeting democracy organization) Participatory Budgeting Project — Resources This page contains papers, links, and other information about research and other projects related to participatory budgeting that are being developed throughout the world. (tags: participatorybudgeting democracy) Porto Alegre Participatory budgeting virtual library Articles and books in English, Spanish and Portugese (tags: participatorybudgeting democracy organization) – A Guide To Essential Ambient & Downtempo Albums Including some great fortnightly 2 hour mixes. From the host of Ultima Thule (tags: ambient music …
Openly musing today on wondering what it might look like for participatory budgeting to be deployed for an Aboriginal governance authority responsible for child and family services. The work we are doing on Vancouver Island is about building the capacity of the community to be the owners of the child and family services in their communities. We are about to do an Art of Hosting training here with 40 or so community members to build the leadership capacity of the local communities, but I was thinking today, after having dinner last night with my friend Donna Morton, who knows much …
peter senge and the theory and practice of the learning organization (tags: learning organization senge management business collaboration)
Some photos are just sketches, like a note jotted on a half used page of a Moleskine, or a quick line drawing. This is one of those kinds of photos, snapped as the sun rose behind Mount Baker as I was crossing the Lion’s Gate Bridge on a bus this morning. Spring is coming to the west coast. Flying to Victoria, we passed over a flock of snow geese heading north from Reifel Sanctuary to begin the last leg of their journey to the nesting grounds in the Arctic.
Commentary Online Article – All That Jazz Jazz is not a what, it is a how. If it were a what, it would be static, never growing. The how is that the music comes from the moment, it is spontaneous, it exists in the time it is created. And anyone who makes music according to this method conveys to (tags: culture jazz history) daily links format plugin for WordPress (tags: wordpress Outfront Podcast: Flying Feathers A moving radio piece about killing a homegrown turkey (tags: podcast turkey killing) BBC NEWS | Americas | Advanced geometry of Islamic art …