Haruki Murakami and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle Review from the persepctive of how this book is also about change management (tags: leadership) Arundhati Roy on self-colonization in India (tags: toread) Cognitive Edge: The serpent and the blog: ring composition Ring cylces as structure and what they mean (tags: writing)
Comma quirk irks Rogers Rogers loses over $2 million dollars on a comma. (tags: grammar punctuation writing)
Don’t ask how I found this, just set aside 22 minutes and spend it with Lookwell, the retired TV detective whose mind can’t stop deducing. This early nineties pilot was a creation of Conan O’Brien before he landed his gig replacing Letterman. It stars Adam West as a retired 1970s TV detective who just has to keep solving crimes. There isn’t a bad line in the whole thing.
My friend Jon Husband is alive for the signs that new organizational forms are upon us. He found one today that really rang out for me. It seems that Amerian bloggers having been using distributed networks of readers to find the patterns of organization in a government conspiracy. This is not tin-foil hat stuff. It’s the real deal, with an alarming plan to engineer the firing a number of United States Attorneys for political reasons. The bigest challenge for the bloggers who are following the story is to stay on top of the thousands of documents …
Mindmaps directory – all mindmaps, page 1 of 40 A directory of many different mindmaps (tags: mindmapping mindmaps mindmap learning artofharvesting)