Campbell River BC Constantly on the road these days. Just did a weekend strategic planning session with the VIATT Board – a very interesting session. We are at the point in our planning where we are developing the structures that will govern this system once we begin to assume full authority next year. This is a tricky set of questions, involving money, leadership, turf and control as we try to find the best structure that will run the system in line with deep community values. And so as we confront this moment, the Board decided to have a strategic planning …
You know how it is when you are so busy that you don’t have time to even think about your blog much less compose an erudite post about everything you are learning? That’s me right now. But here’s a bit of what I have been doing and some things I’m thinking about: Deepening our work with the Vancouver Island Aboriginal Transition Team including a board strategic planning retreat this weekend where we have asked board members to bring one or two people that support them in their work to contribute to the wisdom in the room. How cool a design …
Blog of Collective Intelligence: What Is My Collective IQ? – Boosting CI from Within George Por’s brilliant visulization of how harvesting boosts collective intelligence. (tags: collaboration artofharvesting design) Keeping your GMail Inbox size under control at Digital Inspiration Excellent hacks using search terms to take care of Gmail size (tags: hacks gmail tips)
At the Council of Hosts gathering I helped co-convene last November, friends Thomas Arthur and Ashley Cooper gifted us with the most beautiful harvest I have ever seen. Visit the new World Cafe blog to view this short film that says more about our work together with images and music than any written report could ever have done. And this is a lovely tribute to our friend Finn Voldtofte, who was at this gathering, his last conference, and who held space for us to be better and deeper and more clear at ever turn. Finn’s voice is the …
There is a lovely new translation of the Tao te Ching online, which I discovered thanks to the ever mercurial wood s lot. From the introduction to the Book of the Forest Path: I am trying to accomplish a couple of things in the translation that follows. First of all, I have a particular philosophical interpretation of Taoism, and I am trying to see how far it can be reflected in a translation. I think it is not compatible with the translations I’ve seen. Second, I’ve tried to make it plain and cool English. My objection to the existing …