(I’m posting this a day or two later than when I wrote it) London, UK I’m in London now, moving around with with Johnnie Moore and Euan Semple, Richard Oliver,Tanya and Kevin McLean, and Steve Moore seeing some plays, talking about our work and what it all means… …and I have nearly lost my voice. I’m quite intrigued actually with the fact that I am suffering from laryngitis. It was caused by an unholy scream I issued on day three of our gathering in Belgium, as I came into some quite strong and profound as a response to the invitation …
The Tank Man – Google Video A stunning video about the man who stood before the tanks in Tienanmen square (tags: democracy freedom courage)
near Diest Belgium Over the past two days I really discovered in myself the essence of the Art of Hosting. There has been a commitment here to searching for another level of the Art of Hosting as a practice, a community of people and as a teaching offering. Some of these conversations have felt more or less important to me but, if it is one think I have discovered for myself, it is that the Art of Hosting is actually the Art of the Open Heart, and in this deeper conception of the practices, I have discovered what it means …
near Diest, Belgium We have begun, and now concluded our first day here at Heerlijckyt, snugged in with 26 mates investigating all sorts of questions about the Art of Hosting as it is manifest and practiced here in Europe, as well as elsewhere in the world. We spent much of the day experimenting with sensing the collective field, using a combination of methods including a long and juicy opening circle (during which Toke asked the questions “what called you here? What has called us here? and what might we accomplish together?”). This circle was carefully harvested for larger themes. From …
Bekkevoort, Belgium Arrived here last night in preparation for the first gathering of Art of Hosting practioners in Europe, the first Art of Hosting on the Art of Hosting. I’m staying with my friend Ria Baeck, in a small converted stable on an old farm in the countryside outside of Brussels. Tom Hurley joined us this morning from San Francisco (he’s sleeping right now) and Toke, Monica, George Por, Maria Scordialos and Sarah Whitely and others are all arriving this afternoon. Tomorrow we start in a learning centre about 15 minutes away from here called Heerlijckyt. The flight from Vancouver, …