There is something ineffable about being held in a space that is hosted. One of the key things that simply can’t be taught in any facilitation training is “presence.” It’s possible to talk about it, to model it and even to help others connect with it, but you can’t transmit it. It is not a technical piece. It is a practice. I make a lot of connections between hosting practice and martial arts practice. Today, looking through some of the handful of martial arts weblogs I read, I discovered this post: Regardless of how many …
I’m really enjoying finding poetry that seems to relate, in an off-handed way, to hosting and the process arts.Here is Andrea Baker, from the new issue of TYPO 9: PROPOSAL Each point was also a center at the grief which was many-centered and gatherings hungered in the throat and at the mouth of each many-grief which all foamed to begin a new burden to lay fresh on the world so I set out a bowl for light to rest in as long as the long breath pushing but what is random never quiets and the will was random was pulling …
Ted Ernst pionts to an article on leadership in participatory culture. The artile contains the following list of capacities: trust others and trust in the collective ability of a group draw attention to commonality between participants (rather than dividing them with differences) demonstrate active conscious commitment to vision, values, and goals as example to others act responsively to feedback and help grow feedback loops among participants show their humanity, making them credible and proving their integrity regularly listen actively and deeply with distributed credit so decisions seem to come from collective instill a sense of togetherness, a sense of …
Crooked Timber » » The myth of “The Myth of the Paperless Office” I have gone almost completely paperless in my business. How about you? (tags: business work research paper office interesting Technology) Rashomon (1950) This film is Akira Kurosawa’s adaptation of Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s short story dealing with the subjectivy of eyewitness evidence in the solving of a crime. (tags: film storytelling kurosawa) What is Chaos? An Interactive Online Course for Everyone A nice introduction to the math and science of chaos. Rich ground for generating analogues in the organizational world. (tags: chaos complexity culture education learning math organization philosophy …
From a paper on Korean poetry comes this poem by Ko Un, “Ode to Shim-chong:” Indangsu sea, shine dark blue, come rising as a cloudlike drumbeat. The waters, the sailors who know the waters, may know the dark fate of the world beyond that lies past the path that sometimes appears, the weeping of children born into this world, and the sailors may know my daughter’s path. How can the waters exist without the world beyond? Full-bodied fear has now become the most yearned-for thing in the world, and my daughter’s whimpering stillness in the lotus bud will be such; …