From Neighbourhoods: Community noticeboards still perform a function in many places, providing just the right channel for some kinds of information for certain kinds of people. Here’s a nice example I picked up recently – plenty of variety with announcements of events, things to be sold, and services to offer.Yes I know, neighbourhood online systems provide this and more, but there’s still something enchanting about the scruffy visible publicness of this as a role for a local venue like a post office or newsagent. I think I’ve seen similar in launderettes and chemists, but not in pubs, which is curious; …
The Elders are with us. Could we do this locally? We are building Elders into the work of the Vancouver Island Aboriginal Authority for child and family services. What if the Elders sat in Council for all of us here?
In 1996, I joined the federal treaty negotiation office as a public information and consultation advisor. One of the treaty tables I was working with was a small First Nation near Vancouver. My colleague at the Tsawwassen First Nation was a young communications officer called Kim Baird. Eleven years later, Kim has led her community to approve the first ever treaty negotiated under the BC Treaty Process. It has been a long ride, and Tsawwassen is bucking a lot of currents that suggest that the current treaty process is a hoodwink and a sham. I have my own feelings about …
The Tao of Taekwondo New taekwondo blog looking at the practice of taewondo and taoism (tags: taekwondo)
…as if you haven’t noticed. Ahh…enjoying our summer. Also, I’m blogging a little at a new blog of mine called The Tao of Taekwondo, focusing a little attention on my martial arts practice, so you might be interested to follow there, if that subject grabs you.