Courtenay, BC I’m coming to the end of a Moleskine notebook I’ve had since March, and it’s almost filled up. I’m going through it harvesting a few things, and thought I might post a series of notes here. The journal began with a few notes that I made about the preliminary design of an Art of Hosting we ran for VIATT on Quadra Island. This particular Art of Hosting was called to train with 40 or so people who are helping us to build an Aboriginal child and familiy services system on Vancouver Island. It’s big …
In June I wrote about the work of living in the territory of the open heart. This is a strong personal claling for me. Today I stumbled upon this video of the mayor of San Diego doing just that – approving a resolution to endorse same sex marriage in his city, in part because his daughter and some of his staff members are gay and lesbian. It’s a hard, tearful and emotional place to be, but it is worth it for the change that will come from decisions made in this place.
Liu Yang is a Chinese artist. This piece is from a series of works about huamn patterns in Chinese and German social settings. This one is called “At a Party.” German is blue, Chinese is red. More here. [tags]liu yang[/tags]
Harrison Owen – new age guru! To celebrate the New York Times’ inspired decision to finally open up it’s archives to the public for free, here is a link to a famous article from 1994 on Harrison Owen, Open Space and Rockport shoes. And as a bonus, here’s another from 1988, on the work of “New Age consultant” Harrison Owen who helped Owens-Corning Fiberglass find some spirit. This man has been ahead of his time for 30 years. [tags]openspacetech, harrison owen, rockport, owens-corning[/tags]
My friend Peter Rukavina is a pretty good traveller. He usually make a couple of trips a year to Europe, some with family in tow, and he offers this wonderful guide to travelling in the continent, RuK style.