William van den Ende posted this really nice diagram that helps to think about the relationship between websites, users, conferences and content. I’m working with a number of clients at the moment who are struggling to marry their work to the web, and especially to the social web. THey are all not-for-profit organizations (or for-benefit, as I have started saying). This diagram is very helpful, if for no other reason than it gives us a context in which to offer specific conversations.
I’m happy to announce that this coming June 22-28 I will be teaching with my dear friends Toke Moeller and Monica Nissen at the Shambhala Institute for Authentic Leadership in Nova Scotia. We will be teaching a module called “The Art of Hosting and Harvesting: From Strategic Conversation to Wise Action to Systemic Change.” We would be delighted if you would consider joining us and the other great teachers who are assembled for the 2008 programme.
I’ve decided to start posting random links again, found through my uncontrollable surfing addiction. I’ll just publish these in lists of ten, to keep them manageable. Some recent noticings The internet is a black hole. Plep’s puzzels Get outside and look for Comet Holmes The only way to be above suspicion is to be completely open. Cool thinking tools from exploratree. How to learn together as peers, or as a core team Spin the Globe show archive and the Soundroots blog The history of sparrow killing in China…a cautionary tale. Organic learning for organic kiddies The leadership vacuum
Joy Harjo: Our words do create our road, singly and collectively. The manner in which we travel is determined by our attitude, by the attitude carried in our words. And another line from that little essay: “we are all the same size, spiritually.” [tags]joy harjo[/tags]
I sat down this morning with my little pot of Dilmah tea to read friends’ blogs. This beats curling up with the Sunday New York Times or some other largely useless aggregation of pulp fibre. Much better to get the news of the day from those who are working on things and who need help or have discovered useful insights for the rest of us. And so, sitting before the woodstove with a pot of tea and a laptop is a lovely way to begin a Sunday morning. And this morning my friend Jon Husband sends me in a couple …