Marshall McLuhan on the role of artists in harvesting patterns: “When you give people too much information, they instantly resort to pattern recognition, in other words, to structure the experience. I think this is part of the artist’s world. The artist, when he encounters the present…is always seeking new patterns, new pattern recognition, which is his task. The absolute indispensability of the artist is that he alone in the present can give the pattern recognition. He alone has the sensory awareness necessary to tell us what our world is made of. He is more important than …
Photo by Hamid Masoumi This question of the responsibility of love continues to live in me. I wrote a comment at Dave Pollard’s blog that captures another facet of it: Love IS a social issue and engaging in the world with love is a bit of a trick. It not only accelerates innovation and “better”, it is a double edged sword too. I think there is such a thing as “the responsibility of love” which refers to the way we wield the weapons of the heart in the world when we are working in the territory of open heartedness. When …
Taholah, Washington If this article is any indication, the future of management will require more hosts and less bosses. Hierarchies are disappearing, top-down and centralized is giving way to distributed, and organizations are becoming more open and engaging of stakeholders. That is true everywhere in my experience, including here at the Quinault Indian Nation where we are reframing the tribal government’s strategic plan in several unique ways. First we have established a core team of stakeholders from the government and community who are willing to take responsibility for stewarding the plan. Second, the core team has proposed …
Tahola, Washington From Euan: Management is becoming about noticing and enabling rather than driving and controlling.Get yourselves a big melting pot of different social tools that engender different conversations and expressions of intent from your staff, watch like a hawk, spot the cool stuff, fan the flames and then protect the baby shoots from your spoilers. Nice.
Seattle, Washington Tuesday wrapped wup with a great high energy keynote from Van Jones, director of the Ella Baker Center in Oakland, California.. This harvest was co-written by Nancy White, Teresa Posakony and Chris Corrigan Van was nervous prior to his talk – some “jackass” came up and tapped him on his shoulder and interrupted his contemplation. “Don’t mess with me! I”m a spiritual agent.” I turned around and it was Peter Senge trying to wish me some good luck. We face the challenge of helping people to rise to the occasion of their lives. You get better, stronger, clearer, …