Last week in New Mexico we were making all the predictable jokes about making this wrong turn at Albuquerque, and indeed on our way to Shiprock, we did make a wrong turn. My usually reliable wetware GPS software (in other words my traditionally infalliable sense of direction) completely abandoned me last week. The worst however was saved for the trip home. While I came home on United via Denver, the harried ticket agent at the the counter somehow checked my bags to Denver and then on to San Francisco and Incheon, South Korea. Under the name Ji …
Here is a great description of Open Space as used at the Agile Open Northwest Conference. This is a simple, inviting description of the process. Well done ANW folks!
Navajo people call human beings “five-fingered” people. This refers to the way that Navajos relate their clan connections using the fingers of their hands. The thumb is “shay”, myself. And each one is imprinted with a unique spiral pattern. This spiral pattern is said to emerge when a child has spirit blown into it be the ye’i – the ancestors, who also produce the spiral of hair on the top of each person’s head. The spiral gives life. From there, each person can recite their clan heritage through the remaining four fingers, their father and mother, their father’s mother and …
The Be The Change Earth Alliance presents their kick off symposium on March 28 in Vancouver: You are invited to Be The Change that our planet and all beings are calling for. This volunteer-based citizen engagement program is co-arising to inspire and support each of us in the significant role we have to play at this important ecological time in history. Be The Change begins with a Symposium to activate the calling continues with Be The Change Action Circles that support us in the ongoing transformative process celebrates our commitment and actions with an annual Festival in October engages us …
Last wekk I was working with some good friends – Kyra Mason, Thomas Ufer, Ruth Lyall, Jennifer Charlesworth and Nanette Taylor. Together we designed and delivered a one day workshop on what we called “Chaordic Leadership in Changing Times.” The focus of the workshop was collaborative leadership practice and we were asking questions about collaborating around a movement in the child and family services sector in British Columbia. Collaborative leadership practice has a couple of key capacities. First is the ability to be in and hold space for conversations that matter. The second is the practice of developing and holding …