My friend Roq and my son Finn, learning from one another Over my entire life, I have been incredibly blessed to work with amazing people. Being a curious person by nature, I have come to appreciate that there are teachers everywhere, if only we have the ears and the open heart to listen and experience another’s life as a teaching. One of the reasons for starting this blog in 2002 was to capture what I was learning as I travelled through the world. I’m thinking a little about slipping some of this stuff between the covers of a book at …
Robert Paterson is musing about The Power of One. Seems his website will record 1,000,000 hits this summer. When he started blogging he had no idea that within five years, a million people would have hit the site. So I posted a question in his comments, and I extend it to you. If you knew that in five years 1 million people would read what you have written, what would you do with that opportunity? It might come as a surprise to some, but greatness is not predetermined. Great ideas do not emerge fully hatched, marketable and readily consumed by …
From Nancy White, a brilliant video of Tom Sparough juggling cigar boxes and talking about courage. And from Jon Husband, with whom I had a lovely conversation today related to my 30 day learning journey, an mp3 from Ben Zander about possibility.
The situation in Zimbabwe being what it is, it’s often hard to see beyond the headlines and the punditry that tells how how we should feel. But of course, in this connected world, we live in a field of relationships that descends deep into every story on our planet. I have friends in Zimbabwe, and from that network of hosts and courageous leaders comes this email: Standing in Silence under a New Moon Sunday 6th April 2008 7 days ago we voted for change in our country. Against the legal imperative to call an election foul within 48 hours of …
Jack Martin Leith on how to do rapid innovation using Open Space Technology: We hear a lot of talk these days about Open Innovation (American academic Henry Chesbrough wrote the book), but not very much about Open Space Innovation. I’m not talking about new developments in the field of Open Space Technology – I’ll leave that for another day – but rather using Open Space Technology to accelerate the process of new product development and other forms of innovation.Jeffrey Hyman and I did just that for a global food manufacturer a few years ago, and it worked so well that …