From our Art of Hosting gathering that concluded here on Bowen Island today comes a great line from my friend Christie Diamond: “Conversation begins before it starts, continues after it ends and doesn’t always involve words.” Brilliant, because once you understand THAT, you embark on the path of mastery. Update: Dave Pollard has posted a nice harvest of his learning at our gathering.
Great…so I’m just about to host a three day Art of Hosting workshop in which we will be talking about several methodologies, mental models and design tools, including Open Space. And today, right out of the blue come three incredibly amazing posts from Dave Pollard (who is joining us), Johnnie Moore (who almost joined us) and Jack Martin Leith about the process. I’m up to my eyeballs in stuff and don’t have that much time to respond, but I can’t resist, so here are some thoughts, kind of randomly blurted out. First I should say that I’ve never used Open …
Building on a note I sent to the Art of Hosting list this morning, and thinking about some of the calls to work across generations this coming year… Otto Scharmer sent along an email this week: I just returned from some coaching and consulting work. i am struck by the similarity of experience that todays leaders face across companies, industries and even across sectors. as a leader today, you find yourself in NO-WHERE-LAND. on the one side you have all the tools that you learned from consultants, business schools and other sources of conventional management wisdom. on the other …
That $700 billion bailout south of the border? “It’s not based on any particular data point,” a Treasury spokeswoman told Tuesday. “We just wanted to choose a really large number.” Wow indeed.
I’m putting together a presentation (including some slides) on community engagement and leadership for a gathering of First Nations leaders next month. In the spirit of seeking the wisdom of the blogosphere, I’m wondering if any of you have some thoughts or pearls of wisdom that I could share with this group of people. Here is the proposal that I’m working on: We’ve moved on. In the last century, government talked to citizens, and if they were feeling particularly charitable, they allowed citizens to say something back. This was called “consultation” and it had it’s origins in the ancient European …