I’m here in Battle Creek, Michigan working with 17 very interesting people who together are planning the 2009 Food and Society Gathering, sponsored by the WK Kellogg Foundation. This is a repeat gig for Tuesday Ryan-Hart and Tim Merry and I, although last year we worked with Phill Cass, Toke Moeller and Monica Nissen as well. Tuesday and I have been working over the design of this gathering all day today, preparing and chaging and shifting things, going over and over everything, making allowances for shifts in time, for different arrivals and so on, and tonight we’re set. …
Some useful observaions from Clark Williams-Derry at WorldChanging about the current financial crises: 1. Unlikely events are common 2. Markets don’t know much 3. Unsustainable things stop I especially like the last one. It doesn’t really matter if people believe things are unsustainable or not. If something is unsustainable it will stop, and that’s that.
Thought I would start regularly pointing to good stuff that copmes through my feed readers. For the record I actually use two feed readers: Bloglines for my regular reads (you can see my feeds here) and Google Reader for everything else. What I like about Google Reader is that they have a littel “Next” button that you can click to see the next post in your feed in its own context. So that’s cool. Anyway, after trolling the feeds this morning, here is what struck me: James Glave on where the real Green Shift will come from: …
The single greatest indication that the world has changed since Tuesday is the idea that Americans no longer have to sew a Canadian flag on their backpacks to get respect in Europe. If you really want safe passge, sew an Obama logo on instead.
From Patrick Moberg