I have had an interesting few days working with Aboriginal leadership from around North America. In Michigan last week, I helped convene 24 folks interested in what indigenous leadership means, and today I am here in Port McNeil BC, hosting a community to community forum between First Nations and local governments. One of the things that folks in the rest of indigenous North America don’t realize about the cultures of the west coast is how radically different they are from the cultures of the plains, desert and forests of the rest of North America. This is true in many ways, …
Last summer at The Shire, in Nova Scotia, Jon Guilbert and Dianna Dunham from Gandy Dancer Productions brought a camera and filmed us in our work and retreat as we discussed and considered the Art of Hosting community of practice and what it was offering to the world.. The resulting six minute film is a beautiful capture of some of my closest professional friends at a sweet time in our working relationships with one another. It reminds me of the deep gratitude I hold for them and the love and respect that we share with one another. It …
With the way the world is – connected and interdependant – from time to time disasters from afar touch me from half way around the world. In Australia, around Melbourne, bush fires have ravaged communities this weekend, leaving 83 people dead and untold millions of dollars in damage. Viv McWaters posted a call to action today and I pass it on. Wnatever you can do to help, especially if you know people there, would be good.
A couple of days ago I headed across the northern United States on a Boeing 757 on United airlines – the hungry skies. United is a quirky airline. They have three classes of seating on their domestic flights: executive, economy and then what I call the “hole in the bagel class:” Economy Plus. Economy Plus consists of a third of the rows of the economy cabin with four inches more legroom than the back two thirds of the economy cabin. In practice, Economy Plus seems to offer pretty much the same legroom as every other airline, but the economy cabin …
I was thinking the other day about how to teach kids in school Web 2.0 skills, prompted by my friend Brad Ovenell-Carter’s blog post on figuring out how young is too young, Now my kids, don’t go to school, but they work actively in non-technological settings with collaboration. They spend a lot of time together co-creating games, scenarios, worlds and activities. My daughter, at 11, is helping out in a friend’s store and she helped train other workers on the inventory system the other day before taking inventory with her new trainees. She has also been working …