From my newsreader this week: Peter Rukavina blogs a fish eye view (or sushi eye view) of a Japanese evening out. Dirk at mediabuzzard on the history of Chinese – First Nations relations in British Columbia
Last week I was working with an interesting group of 60 Aboriginal folks who work within the Canadian Forces and the department of National Defense, providing advice and support on Aboriginal issues within the military and civilian systems. We ran two half days in Open Space to work on emerging issues and action plans. In an interesting side conversation, I spoke with a career soldier about fear. This man, one of the support staff for the gathering, had worked for a couple of decades as a corporal, mostly working as a mechanic on trucks. We got into …
Interesting reads this week: DeAnna Martin on a design for using Dynamic Facilitation with large groups Worldchanging Canada has a great post about art derived from the complexity of nature Metafilter link of an insane film about fishing for Great White Sharks. From a beach. Surfing is involved. Rob Bailey on the perfect crab curry Ravi Tangri on innovation in the service industry in hard times Nancy White, with palpable delight wraps up her take on Northern Voice Sheri Herndon emailed an interesting link about how Obama communicates by George Lakoff Dustin Rivers takes his blog to new digs. …
Myriam Laberge posted a link to a video of David Gershon talking about what it takes to take change to scale. What struck me about the video was not so much his message as what it actually is. It’s a “trailer” for a 2007 conference sponsored by the Omega Institute. As an artful act of invitation, this is briliant. How many of us outside the movie industry consider making trailers to gatherings? Putting audio and video to work in this way is a fantastic way to get the message out, introduce people to ideas that will …
Just returned from an event in Victoria to raise money and awareness for the first ever Authentic Leadership in Action Institute (ALIA) on the West Coast (May 19-22 at Royal Roads University, if you’re interested). Last evening, 120 people packed in to hear Meg Wheatley talking about leadership in uncertain times. She spoke mostly about the capacity for fearlessness, or a leadership stance that operates beyond hope and fear. It is something that she has been talking about for a long time, and in fact, she has a recent piece in the Shambhala Sun on this very …