Just a note that if you are an Open Space facilitator and you twitter, the hashtag #openspace is a useful way to tag what you are doing. There are lots of great real time reflections in that feed, and I love especially the fact that the tag has been set up and is used extensively by people not involved in the centre of the Open Space Technology practitioner community, meaning of course that the Open Space Technology practitioner community has finally dissolved into the world like Harrison always hoped it would.
I’m stranded in San Fransico, sitting on standby for a flight home after narrowly missing my flight yesterday evening due to a big accident on the Golden Gate bridge. So sitting the lounge, guiltily hoping every two hours that someone has some minor misfortune or change of plans that will open up one seat on a day when every flight home is full. Found a poem by Denise Levertov at the excellent Panhala: A Gift Just when you seem to yourself nothing but a flimsy web of questions, you are given the questions of others to hold in the …
Lovely day here in Marin County hanging out with friends and charting some interesting paths forward on a few projects. One highlight of the day was spending time with Amy Lenzo, who I have known for a while but met only one time previously when we were on an diverse and eclectic team of facilitators holding space at the Pegasus systems thinking conference a couple of years ago. Amy is, among other things, the web goddess for The World Cafe community and we spent a lovely lunch at the excellent Buckeye Roadhouse talking over the nature of our …
Hungry? Eat… Niels Teunis invites us to kill the mission statement and find three words instead. Dervala Hanley tweets the death of the MBA. Ria Baeck republishes Fancis Moore Lappe on wyas systems can redesign food systems Johnnie Moore blogging Dave Snowden blogging some interesting peer learning in the hotel industry. Aftab Erfan blogs about a Deep Democracy event in South Africa. Peggy Holman is blogging her new book on Patterns of Change and looking for comments Henry Mintzberg on the failure of management training
When I read this Neruda poem, I thought of my wife. Sonnet XVII I don’t love you as if you were the salt-rose, topaz or arrow of carnations that propagate fire: I love you as certain dark things are loved, secretly, between the shadow and the soul. I love you as the plant that doesn’t bloom and carries hidden within itself the light of those flowers, and thanks to your love, darkly in my body lives the dense fragrance that rises from the earth. I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you simply, without …