Cleaning my plate: Bella Gaia, a poetic view of earth from space. Donella Meadows‘ classic piece on places to intervene in a system. Nancy White on her software and web apps set up. True North Records has a great podcast of contemporary Canadian singer/songwriters. Common Dreams reports on Starbucks’ intention to fool us all. Beware of the Blog posts something funny and absurd. Ria Baeck tweets a Bodhisattva on the subway.
Check this quote: Social scientist Herbert Simon wrote in 1971 IN an information rich world, the wealth of information means the death of something else: a scarcity of whatever it is that information consumes. What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence the wealth of information creates a poverty of attention. via Green sandbox: Since 1971. It’s just plain obvious that information consumes attention, but it is not always apparent how it is working on us. Last night, I was at my weekly TaKeTiNa session with friends Brian Hoover and Shasta Martinuk, exploring what …
In the US right now, the health care “debate” is raging and town hall meetings being held across the country are being deliberately hijacked by those who don’t want to see reform go ahead. This tactic is discouraging but predictable. “Town Hall” meetings are not usually conducive to democratic deliberation, and they are never about dialogue. Over the past few days an amazing conversation has unfolded on the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation listserv about what these events mean for deliberative democracy. Tom Atlee has summarized a lot of the learning from these in a long blog post which …
“We do not find our own center. It finds us. We do not think ourselves into new ways of living. We live ourselves into new ways of thinking.” — Richard Rohr via whiskey river
I have updated my music pages and finally migrated them here. Go visit if you want to learn about my musical history, watch some videos and listen to a few tracks and sound samples from my musical career.