This is a quick way into understanding what we are doing in Northern Alberta, and how it contributes to a psychotic consumptive. This has to stop. I have no idea how to put an end to this insanity. We are so far embedded in the system that feeds this Windigo, that it feels like removing ourselves kills us too. Merci Jean-Sebastien.
Food leads the feed this week: AskMetafilter has a great list of squash recipes for all those winter squash that are plentiful and cheap in the northern hemisphere right now. Terry Patten on exploring big questions in an integral world. Good notes on polarity management and conscious evolution. CassetteBoy meets Sir Alan Sugar (and Spurs fans will love this revelatory takedown). Rosa Zubizarretta on Deepening Democracy.
In my work I often have to troll through long lists of pages of material looking for patterns and noting significant trends. I largely don’t like doing this, as it often requires switching back and forth between the document I am reading and the one I am taking notes on and something about that bugs me. Today though, I am working on a report and I inadvertently discovered a hack. I started entering notes at the top of the document, but as I paged through, I noticed that my notes were appearing on every page. I had accidently been typing …
Intriguing beauties: Jeff Altman has digitized his grandfather’s home movies: San Francisco, 1958. Johnnie Moore on social creativity. Metafilter post on the WKBW Buffalo 1968 War of the Worlds scare. Great stuff to curl up with this Hallowe’en! The New Scientist maps how small and connected our world has become. Geoff Brown with some fun=behaviour change videos. Going to be fun working with him on this! Rob Paterson blogs about KETC’s approach to the flu: a new model for conversational leadership in news. Alex Kjerulf bounces into the weekend.
Today John Inman had a great post on using the world cafe for a five hour strategic planning session with a non-profit. His process works as follows: First I asked that the whole system be in the retreat. We had board members, a customer, grant writer, community member, and contractors. 1. Introduction in group setting 2. Introduce the process 3. Pose the question 4. Three cafe tables with three people each, start the cafe 5. Three rounds of conversation each 20 minutes 6. Returned people to original table and asked them to capture the main themes at each table. 20 …