Happy New Year! Some random pickin’s from the feed: Psychology and Security Resource Page . Learn about FEELING afraid and FEELING safe. The Conferences that Work blog. Cool, even though it seems like he has reinvented Open Space. jack/zen blogs the 7 principles of improv.
Good riddance to this decade. I hadn’t meant to make a post about the past ten years, but a comment from my friend Doug Germann, who is a lawyer by the way, prompted me to write a response that became a little manifesto for action in this next ten years. Here is Doug’s comment: Chris– The opposite of love is fear; conversely, the opposite of fear is love. Chris, you have named it well. We are in a cycle of fear–an attack is made, we become fearful, hunker down, do something however ineffectual. We could somehow accept that there is …
Just off the phone with a friend of mine, Jackie Minns. Jackis is a fabulous actor and yoga teacher and masseuse (I do live on a British columbia island you know!) and she and I have been scheming up some ideas to start an improvisational theatre group here on Bowen Island. Our first gathering will be on February 7 and so in doing some research I came across some great collections of improv games and exercises. Learnimprov.com has a great list and a random workshop generator. The Living Playbook is encyclopedic in nature and is the basis of the free …
Dropped my spouse off at the water taxi this morning at 8am. She’ll get to the airport by 10 which hopefully will give her enough time to get through security for a 2:30 flight. But we’ll see. I’ve been reflecting a little on the airborne events of the last few days and reading lots of blogs that say that the Transportation Security Administration in the United States (and CATSA here in Canada) has it all wrong when it comes to their latest response to an attempt to blow up an airplane. The problem is that they are trapped in the …
Resolution for the new year is to post more links to cool things I am listening too. I’ve been a fan of podcasting for a long time, and get most of my radio and music now through the web. There is so much out there that is cool. For this first post, a podcast that was recently re-aired on Radio Netherlands. It is called Running the Goat, and is a documentary about a dance from the vanished village of Harbour Deep, Newfoundland. The dance was a staple in the community and is strongly associated with the 350 year history of …