Back to some regular noticing: An Indian MP calls for a 21st century residential school policy. Appalling. Johnnie Moore finds research that vindicates my approach of having questions rather than goals. Metafilter post on desire lines.
Or so says the police officer about 3:50 minutes into this video. Wow. If that is true, then York Regional Police officer 815 was acting out of his jurisdiction and was therefore simply a bully. With a sidearm. Think about that. There are dozens and dozens of stories like this coming out of the G20. Only a public inquiry will get to the bottom of that, and it needs to result in some clear guidelines for how police enforce laws within the context of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, even when there are special circumstances. Since 9/11 politicians …
There is never a time when we are not a participant in this world. Our mere presence in any place makes us a participant. So rule number one is “there is no outside.” In fact I think the very idea that we can somehow be separate from what is going on around is is actually a delusion and it causes great problems. It blinds us to our own influence in a field and it actually hides our own gifts and brilliance and denies them from being used as people find their way. In most indigenous cultures work with, there is …
Dave Pollard has posted an item on his blog entitled G20: A Corporatist Show of Force and Power in Toronto. It is a compendium of a number of videos showing what happened in Toronto last week. I have spent the last two hours watching these videos, and many more. I challenge you to do the same. Because frankly what I am seeing is terrifying and shocking, and I don’t mean the vandals. I mean the actions of the police. None of these videos are the whole story, but they leave me futilely hoping for an explanation from the powers that …
A key part of supporting community resilience lies in accentuating what is working in communities, giving it attention and putting to use. Today my friend Jerry Nagel wrote from Minnesota to ask for advice about what to do with some of the communities who have been devastated by tornadoes in the last week. My reply: Might be useful to go through an appreciative process of studying what happened to get people back on their feet. What aspect about our community made it possible to look after those who lost their homes? What stories of response do we need to harvest …