Music flows through me; never true to say I play it. It plays me. # Awoke with the taste of saltwater on my lips. Yesterday's ocean was a long cool embrace in the fluid of our origin. # What makes the air so empty that raven calls echo for miles? How do I become like that? # Smell of sweetgrass on the air this morning. # A Stellers Jay calling 6 feet from your face makes an excellent alarm clock. GOOD MORNING! # What a lovely moon. I'm looking at it through the back of a northwest wind that sent …
May the most beautiful team win today. Go Spain! # Well played to both teams. My pick won but my heart goes out to my many Dutch friends. What a game. # Windy night gusty morning. Watching big cumulus clouds rapidly forming as the sea air pushes over the land. Real life time lapse. # Vancouver Whitecaps keeper Jay Nolly deals with a pitch invader on Wed. Hoolganism gets its tiny start in Vancouver: # Men who work with power are clinging to the poles, discussing how to safely reconnect my neighbor to the grid. If only politics was …
Slow week here with summer arrived and work at a standstill. Found some time to scrape the feedreader though: Peter Rukavina exposes the vapidity of TV Peter also tackles the problem of creating a cafe that plays your music to you. Johnnie Moore posts on the philosophical underpinnings of conversation. Viv McWaters playing at graphical representation of facilitation tips. The Tyee has brought on Andrew Nikiforuk to write about the tar sands.
I was at the Vancouver Whitecaps game the other night and witnessed this pitch invasion at the ‘Caps end. This is some good footage of Vancouver keeper Jay Nolly taking on the invader and physically removing her from the pitch. Heart stopping stuff. 🙂
Languid crepuscular morning. The sky is barely stirring. Ravens scream for summer. # Spent an hour pitting cherries, up to my wrists in juice, midwifing little seeds. # Train yourself only to see relationships. This zephyr, that flock of juncos, the thick cool air of morning. All connected. # Dedicate yourself to something if only to find out what you need to clear in yourself so you can be fully present with the world. # Well done Netherlands! # Perfect Bowen summer evening. Good friends BBQ salmon, a swim in the sea and sleeping outside in the warn still air. …