Nenan is a child and family services initiative serving the treaty 8 region of northeastern BC. Have a look at their work here for simple, direct, culturally based ways of engaging everyone in their community as they create a new system deeply rooted in culture and integrated world views. Nenan has utilized the Circle of Rights Community Empowerment Process (formerly Triple A) in many communities in the north-east providing an invaluable wealth of information on the strengths, assets and resources- specifically culturally based, as well as risks and challenges to supporting children and families. A deep exploration of community values …
Lots of travel this week. During the time I was away in Ontario working with labour educators from a number of Canadian unions I heard a great line from a Canadian Auto Workers educator that sustains him when he is challenged while doing good work: “You don’t always have to like th emembers, but you have to love them.” I was reflecting on that line this week after I hosted an Open Space on Bowen Island, in my home community to provide a space for my neighbours to discuss a proposal to turn some of Bowen’s Crown Lands into a …
Drove from Hawkestone to Thornbur y Ontario villages wrapped in a beautiful warm fall day. Happy Thanksgiving all! # "The night is starry and the stars are blue and shiver in the distance. The night wind revolves in the sky and sings." # A beautiful starry night here in Port Elgin, on the shores of Lake Huron, where a thin October moon has fallen into the bay. # Cool wind off the lake. A faint smell if snow on the air. Beginning art of hosting with 50 union educators tonight. # Tonight, cool air, clear skies, stars dancing in …
A lovely little passage from a book I am reading at the moment, that describes the allure of living with shadow. We are captivated by fog. I fell to dwelling upon the romance of the fog. And romantic it certainly was–the fog, like the grey shadow of infinite mystery, brooding over the whirling speck of earth; and men, mere motes of light and sparkle, cursed with an insane relish for work, riding their steeds of wood and steel through the heart of the mystery, groping their way blindly through the Unseen, and clamouring and clanging in confident speech the while …
Flocks of juncos crowd a silent soundscape. Grey fogcloud over the sea. A still day awaits the arrival of learners for the art of hosting. # A beautiful diamond clear morning. Art of Hosting day 3 on Bowen Island begins. Minds and hearts cooking. # Another beautiful day dawning. Off to see the Whitecaps tonight. Finn will be a flag bearer. Thence to Ontario for Thanksgiving with family. # Stunning day driving thru southern Ontario. Red maples, blue sky, gorgeous clear night sky around the fire. Family, homeland and thanks. #