How's the weather? Pouring rain. Really? Yeah. # The mist on the Sound and the stockings hung with care at #artisaneats on #Bowenisland # Cocoa West # When the forest breathes at the end of a Pineapple Express: mild, wet and clearing evening. # This morning's rosy tinted dawn. # Cold front passed. The air is crisp and the ground saturated with four days of chilled rain. # Finn and friends learning longsword at Academie Duello. # Syllable. Grey. Warm. Dry. # The view from my office this wet afternoon. # It is a beautiful …
Other than blogging, probably the first social networking site I used was When it was launched I was in my traditional “second-to-early adopter” position and I relished it. Now with news that Yahoo is going to shut down the social bookmarking site, I’ve decided to let it go. I’ve downloaded all of my bookmarks in one html page and stored it in Evernote, which is the program I use for note taking. If you are interested in having a look at my archive, click the “Currently Reading” link on the right or, if you view my blog in a …
A continuation of my exploration of the past six months. The goddess who consumes all exhausts herself I myself have witnessed the esoteric language of one under the influence of the goddess This state is profound The release intense — Taupouri Tangoro Lele Kawa: Fire rituals of Pele The smoke and steam of Kilauea rise from a crater held within a vast caldera many miles across. You can approach the rim of this caldera in various places and see the crater containing lava a few hundred yards away. At night, the steam and smoke glows from the …
Reading and interesting speech from the UK-Canada Colloquium by Okalik Eegeesiak who is the head of the Qikiqtani Inuit Association. The QIA recently obtained a court injunction against the federal government in Lancaster Sound, preventing scientists from conducting siesmic research on the composition of the seabed. Eegeesiak talks about what this means for Inuit: Unfortunately, Inuit in Nunavut have taken more frequently to the courts. This move is in protest at not being included or consulted properly. For example, we have a major case before the courts right now to address the federal government’s reluctance to live up to its …
With thanks to Geoff and Euan. Beauty in body and land.