My poor Barmah hat has failed. A nasty hole has opened up at the seam and my trusty rain hat, my portable shelter for four years or so now has given up the ghost. So today searching for hope through the route of repair, I contacted Barmah’s Canadian representative, Brian Smith, who resides not far from me on the Sunshine Coast, on the west side of our inlet. I sent him the picture and he commiserated and we agreed that at times entropy has to have its way. But for being a good sport he offered me a replacement hat … rock balancing today at Joshua Tree National Park in California. # Biggest sushi in Vancouver. Geez. Ever big too. # Join us for the Art of Hosting the Standing Wave…a special #aoh for young leaders: nr Vancouver BC. # A sharp north wind this morning. Old ferry on the Sound. Headed to Calgary for an Art of Hosting. # -22 on a cold clear morning by the shores of the Elbow River. # Need a quick ning-like web solution for a half day #openspace to harvest group notes. Suggestions? Or just use ning? # A liitle …
Have you seen these doodle games from Vi Harte? Brilliant games to play with math. Or perhaps games to play that demonstrate how math works. This one is my favourite, but you might also enjoy Stars, Infinity Elephants or Binary Trees, among others.
Theses on Sustainability: [18] NO, THERE IS NO PRECEDENT for what we are struggling to create. We have to make it up ourselves. A great set of theses which ends with this one. And therefore the capacities to create what is unprecedented are also unprecedented. Best practices for what will be needed in the future are not available at any scale in the precedent. The call in the world now is to move to discover new ways of being at every scale. Some of this new ways will draw on old ways, some of it will draw on contemporary ways …
At Disneyland. Yes. # Roof top lunch in Santa Monica. # Caitlin: a good life skill is to take every opportunity to look at babies. # new moon, sunset in the desert at an empty and cheap resort in Palm Springs CA. Ty priceline! # Last night the katabatic wind coated the car in a fine layer of dust. Today the desert is bright and clear. #