Four inches of slushsnow melting in a light sleetrain. This is the land of hybrid weather, especially this springwinter. # great article on the democratic revolutions sweeping the world and implications for China # The dawn chorus has resumed its din, back from a hiatus of being frozen solid. # Cold air, bright sun and call of a blue jay on a Minnesota winter morning. # Another phenomenal lunch @thekaboombox. Heading home to check the dictionary for more superlatives. I'm all out of the ones I know. # 7222 really important piece on social tech as tools …
This past week I have been in Minnesota working with colleagues Jerry Nagel, Ginny Belden-Charles and Mandy Ellerton. We were conducting a second residential training in collaborative leadership with a number of planning grantees working in communities to make impacts on the social and economic determinants of health. In this residential we spent a fair bit of time working on tactical community organizing, exploring how to teach this from the perspective of the Art of Hosting. The traditional tactics of Alinsky-style community organizing operate by creating strategic targets for action and mobilizing community power against those targets. It’s a zero-sum …
Awoke to the glorious sound of eagles calling on the wing. # Excited to be meeting with mates and picking my #WhitecapsFC seats for this season! #werebluewerewhite #scarvesup # Curious about some good books to read? # Chickadee duets in a sunrise the colour and texture of sweetness. # Just had a divine wild smoked salmon sandwich at @thekaboombox on Granville St. Omg ever good fis! # Decision making wrt the national park #bowegov #npcac # It's just a fact of life these days: I am awakened every dawn by garrulous young bald eagles chattering over the bay. …
A lovely description of what happens when the magic of conversation flows. This past weekend I had the opportunity to be part of a Quaker-style “clearness committee” with a few twists thrown in. I have done a few similar sessions in the past, though it has been a while, and once again it proved to be a remarkable experience. The impetus for the session was a friend who, acknowledging that she is at a crossroads in her life and career, reached out for help with discernment. My wife, Emily, and I suggested convening a small group of …
From “Smart Flesh” the new album from Rhoda Island band The Low Anthem comes a beautiful collection of tunes, led by Ghost Woman Blues.