Returning a feature to Fridays: A neat article on religious athletic wear. How to build a canoe, how to undress a birch tree. A great TED talk: Geoffrey West on the mathematics of organization
William Commanda, an important Elder from Kitigan Zibi near Maniwaki, Quebec died this morning. I first met William in 1988 when I was doing some research at the Assembly of First Nations offices in Ottawa. He had come into the office to give a teaching on one of the wampum belts that he had in his possession. A large crowd of staff gathered around him and he spoke quietly and deliberately about the nature of the relationship between peoples on the continent. He was a powerful teacher, and could hold a room spellbound as he expounded on his teachings. He …
I have great clients. Most of the people who end up working with me do so because they want to work in radically more participatory ways, opening up processes to more voices, more leadership. In conference settings this means scheduling much more dialogue or running the whole thing using Open Space Technology and dispensing with pre-loading content. But there persists, especially in the corporate and government sectors, a underlying nervousness in doing this. common objections to making things more participatory include: It’s too risky We’re not ready for it I’m worried it won’t work There won’t be enough structure People …
Heading on to the Denman Island ferry after a great weekend soccer tournament. Proud to be a Fighting Apodaca!! # Another grey summer morning on the west coast # Beautiful twilight walk at Killarney Lake: beavers, frogs, Swainson's Thrushes and a baby Barred Owl. # Summer morning, crossing Howe Sound. # "Learning how to be kind to” # It's and incredible morning, clear and warm and sweet. And a great day for football! Go #whitecapsfc Let's get points against LA! # U.S.: In state of denial over taxes? (null) via @globeandmail iPhone app # I have an …
I’m currently engaged in a number of projects that have me working at the margins, exploring margins, eliminating margins and generally working with difference, otherness, power and exclusion. These projects include: Running an Open Space Technology event in September to create collaborative actions around reducing addictions-related stigma in the health system in Vancouver. Working with the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service in the United States on supporting and expanding a culture of welcome and acceptance in their work with migrants and refugees, work that is stunningly radical in the context of the current “conversation” on immigration in the USA. Part …