Being in the strangeness of nature
I’m reading a number of excellent books at the moment that have nothing to do with facilitation except that they are about seeing the natural in the world. TC McLuhan’s “The Way of the Earth” is fantastic and so is Thoreau’s classic Walden, from which comes this quote:
As a facilitator I try to use processes that are natural, that work with self-organization, chaos and order the way nature works with them. This passage nicely describes the sense of unease and disorientation one feels in the chaos of Open Space for example that leads to a realization of “the infinite extent of our relations.”
In the words of the Japanese art critic Soetsu Yangi, quoted by McLuhan:
I have some big processes to plan and facilitate over the next few weeks and so I’m going outside now to sit under an arbutus tree and sketch the swordfern fiddle heads that are coming up.