Back from the hack
Finally recoversing the site from a massive hack attack. Most of my site had previously been put together on PmWiki, which was a great wiki and a very easy to use content management tool. However, it had some weak security and someone exploited it, ran a bunch of code through my wiki and sent out 45,000 emails phising for private info. Yikes.
I’ve spent a lot of today on the phone with John over at dollarhost and we have figured out what’s going on. The site was so corrupted that we had to delete and reset the whole thing. So I have a new install of wordpress running (very sleak too, I might say) and I have all of the content from my wiki site, but I’m not going to be restoring it with PmWiki. My plan is actually to use WordPress to generate the pages of my site, so that’s what comes next. In the meantime, blogging is back up and I’m slowly recovering.
Whatever happens is the only thing that could have!
Thanks to all those who emailed to ask what was going on and thanks to John at dollarhost for a job well done.
Yay! glad you’re back!
Thanks…good to be here.