Six unique ways of presenting the periodic table of the elements: Periodic Table of Poetry Periodic Table of Comic Books Periodic Table of Haiku Wooden Periodic Table A Whizzy periodic table Periodic Table of Science Fiction
Self-Sufficiency in Style A Useful Compendium of Experience.
Mahatma Gandhi The Gandhian Institute An online archive of Gandhi’s writings and writings about him.
George Orwell Library Orwell’s fundamental works online.
In response to this sickening story which came via wood s lot, I can only weep, and hold on to the thought that there is hope and peace out there, somewhere. And I can also post this poem from John Morgan’s book The Arctic Herd which sort of takes me to where those Marines are now in a different way. Ambush A light with the richness of cream pours over the bar. Slack night. I sip a glass of beer remembering who I think I am and then forgetting. “Killing’s more direct than talk,” he says, says he could do …