I’m switching over to WordPress, and so blogging might be light until I can get everything tweaked just right. I want to take this opportunity to thank Blogger for five years of great free services. I have had very few problems with Blogger over the years, and I’ll still be using it for several blogs and bits and pieces I’m working on. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to using WordPress and I ask your indulgence to bear with me through this change. Tags: wordpress, blogger
I’ve been losing posts somehow. My post on waiting and emergence shows up in my archives, but not on the front page here or in my dashboard. Anyone know what’s up? Time for a move to WordPress? Tags: blogger, wordpress
That sounds like a dry title…but let me explain. I am doing some work at the moment with an organization called the Centre for Sustainability, a group out of the Vancouver Foundation that administers some grants programs to support organizational development for non-profits. We are designing a program, called the Technical Assistance Program for Aboriginal Non-Profits (TAP) specifically for Aboriginal non-profits and as part of that work we are travelling around BC hosting conversations with the folks out there who might end up being recipients of the program’s funding. Yesterday in Terrace we heard some things that made us rethink …
As another year draws to a close, I’d like to publicly thank the clients and partners I’ve had a chance to work with this year. Prince George Urban Aboriginal Strategy Aboriginal Business Development Centre, Prince George Building Our Legacy Together, Aboriginal Youth Council Vancouver Island Aboriginal Transition Team Windsor House School National Aboriginal Forestry Association Karyo Communications City of Vancouver, OneDay campaign Chief Dan George Centre at Simon Fraser University Centre for Native Policy and Research Department of Indian Affairs and Norther Development, BC Economic Development Directorate Committee Against the Sexual Exploitation of Youth The Justice Institute of BC First …
I’m anticipating some lighter blogging ahead, as I will be offline for a couple of weeks after Christmas. So let me take this opportunity now to wish everyone who celebrates it, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all. Thanks for another year of reading, writing, linking, and learning.